Shamshera is a Bollywood action-adventure film directed by Karan Malhotra and produced by Yash Raj Films. The movie features Ranbir Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt, and Vaani Kapoor in leading roles. The Shamshera BGM music is a mix of traditional Indian music and Western orchestral arrangements, which creates a sound that is both grand and unique.

The BGM music features a variety of instruments, such as the tabla, flute, and strings, which add depth and texture to the score. The “Shamshera” title track is composed by the talented duo of Ajay-Atul and sung by the powerful voice of Sukhwinder Singh. The lyrics of the song are written by Irshad Kamil.

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Shamshera is a Bollywood action-adventure film directed by Karan Malhotra and produced by Yash Raj Films. The movie features Ranbir Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt, and Vaani Kapoor in leading roles. The Shamshera BGM music is a mix of traditional Indian music and Western orchestral arrangements, which creates a sound that is both grand and unique.

The BGM music features a variety of instruments, such as the tabla, flute, and strings, which add depth and texture to the score. The “Shamshera” title track is composed by the talented duo of Ajay-Atul and sung by the powerful voice of Sukhwinder Singh. The lyrics of the song are written by Irshad Kamil.

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